WinTasks Process LibraryIn the recesses of your computer, 20-30 invisible processes run silently in the background. Some hog system resources, turning your PC into a sluggish computer. Worse yet, other useless processes harbour spyware and Trojans - violating your privacy and giving hackers free reign on your computer. WinTasks Process Library is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to know the exact purpose of every single process.

Top System Processes Listed in the WinTasks Process Library

 Top System Processes  
00thotkey.exe 1xconfig.exe ARSERVICE.EXE
MSASCui.exe MpCmdRun.exe MsMpEng.exe
Siteadv.exe [system process] acctmgr.exe
adobe gamma loader.exe agent.exe agentsvr.exe
airplus.exe alcfdrtm.exe alcmtr.exe
alcxmntr.exe alerter alg.exe
almon.exe alunotify.exe anbmserv.exe
aoldial.exe aolspscheduler.exe apcsystray.exe
apntex.exe ashdisp.exe ashmaisv.exe
ashwebsv.exe aspnet_state.exe aspnet_wp.exe
aswupdsv.exe atkkbservice.exe autochk.exe
autodown.exe autoupdate.exe avconsol.exe
avengine.exe avgamsvr.exe avgcc.exe
avgemc.exe avgnt.exe avguard.exe
avgupsvc.exe avgw.exe avsynmgr.exe
bacstray.exe bdmcon.exe bdoesrv.exe
bdss.exe bdswitch.exe benetns.exe
bengine.exe beremote.exe blackd.exe
bmmlref.exe brctrcen.exe brmfrsmg.exe
brss01a.exe brsvc01a.exe ca.exe
carpserv.exe cavrid.exe cavtray.exe
ccap.exe ccapp.exe ccevtmgr.exe
cclaw.exe ccmexec.exe ccpwdsvc.exe
ccregvfy.exe ceepwrsvc.exe center.exe
cepmtray.exe cfgwiz.exe cfsvcs.exe
cidaemon.exe cisvc.exe cleanmgr.exe
cli.exe clipsrv.exe clisvcl.exe
cmd.exe cmicnfg.cpl cnxdsltb.exe
command.exe companion.exe comres.dll
control.exe cpd.exe cpqeadm.exe
csrss.exe ctcmsgo.exe ctdetect.exe
ctfmon.exe cthelper.exe dadapp.exe
dadtray.exe damon.exe davcdata.exe
ddhelp.exe dfrgntfs.exe dfssvc.exe
dialer.exe dlbkbmgr.exe dlbkbmon.exe
dllhost.exe dmadmin.exe dns.exe
doscan.exe dotnetfx.exe dragdiag.exe
drwtsn32.exe dsagent dsagnt.exe
dsentry.exe dslagent.exe dumprep.exe
dvdlauncher.exe dwwin.exe eabservr.exe
ehmsas.exe ehrec.exe em_exec.exe
evteng.exe ewidoctrl.exe exmgmt.exe
explorer.exe ezejmnap.exe fameh32.exe
fast.exe fch32.exe floater.exe
fnrb32.exe frameworkservice.exe fsav32.exe
fsbwsys.exe fsdfwd.exe fsgk32.exe
fsgk32st.exe fsguiexe.exe fshttps.exe
fsm32.exe fsma32.exe fsmb32.exe
fspex.exe fsrremos.exe fssm32.exe
ftp.exe gbpoll.exe gcasdtserv.exe
gcasserv.exe gcastdtserv.exe getflash.exe
ghosts~2.exe gsicon.exe hdashcut.exe
hdaudpropshortcut.exe helpctr.exe helphost.exe
hidserv.exe hkcmd.exe hotkey.exe
hpbootop.exe hpobnz08.exe hpqwmi.exe
hpsysdrv.exe hpztsb04.exe hpztsb05.exe
hpztsb06.exe hpztsb07.exe hpztsb08.exe
hpztsb09.exe hpztsb10.exe hpztsb11.exe
iaanotif.exe iao.exe ibmprc.exe
icwconn1.exe idriver.exe idrivert.exe
iexplore.exe igfxext.exe igfxsrvc.dll
ikernel.exe imapi.exe imekrmig.exe
imjpmig8.1 imonnt.exe incdsrv.exe
inetinfo.exe inorpc.exe inotask.exe
intelmem.exe internat.exe ipccheck.exe
ireike.exe isafe.exe isbmgr.exe
ismserv.exe issch.exe isstart.exe
issvc.exe jusched.exe jushed.exe
kav.exe kavsvc.exe kb891711.exe
kem.exe kernel32.dll kernelfaultcheck
khooker.exe kpf4gui.exe kpf4ss.exe
launch32.exe lcfd.exe livesrv.exe
loadwc.exe locator.exe logitechdesktopmessenger.exe
logonui.exe lsass.exe luall.exe
lucoms.exe lucoms~1.exe lxrjd31s.exe
mace.exe mad.exe mainserv.exe
mantispm.exe mapisp32.exe mcagent.exe
mcdetect.exe mcinfo.exe mcmnhdlr.exe
mcrdsvc.exe mctskshd.exe mcvsescn.exe
mcvsftsn.exe mdm.exe mghtml.exe
mmc.exe mmkeybd.exe mnmsrvc.exe
monitor.exe mouse32a.exe mpapi3s.exe
mpbtn.exe mpeng.exe mpfagent.exe
mpfservice.exe mprexe.exe mpssvc.exe
mqrt.dll mqtgsvc.exe mrt.exe
mscifapp.exe msconfig.exe mscorsvw.exe
msdtc.exe msgsrv32.exe mshta.exe
msiexec.exe mskagent.exe msksrvr.exe
msnmsgr.exe msoobe.exe mspy2002
mssearch.exe mstask.exe mstsc.exe
mxoaldr.exe mxtask.exe naprdmgr.exe
navapsvc.exe navw32.exe nbj.exe
ndisuio.sys net.exe net1.exe
netdde.exe netsvcs ngctw32.exe
ngserver.exe nip.exe nisum.exe
njeeves.exe nmain.exe nod32krn.exe
nod32kui.exe npfmntor.exe nprotect.exe
nscsrvce.exe nsmdtr.exe ntfrs.exe
ntoskrnl.exe ntrtscan.exe ntsd.exe
ntvdm.exe nutsrv4.exe nvcoas.exe
nvstartup nwereboot oasclnt.exe
ofcdog.exe ofcpfwsvc.exe omniserv.exe
onetouch.exe oodag.exe opscan.exe
osa9.exe packager.exe padexe.exe
patch.exe pavfires.exe pavprsrv.exe
pavsrv51.exe pccguide.exe pcclient.exe
pccntmon.exe pccntupd.exe pccpfw.exe
pcctlcom.exe pcfmgr.exe pchschd.exe
pdsched.exe phime2002a ping.exe
plguni.exe pop3trap.exe pqv2isvc.exe
prevsrv.exe prismsvr.exe psimsvc.exe
pstores.exe pvlsvr.exe qaccess.exe
qagent.exe qoeloader.exe rdpclip.exe
regedit.exe regshave.exe regsvc.exe
regsvr32.exe retrorun.exe rpcss.exe
rrpcsb.exe rstrui.exe rsvp.exe
rthdcpl.exe rundll.exe rundll32.exe
runonce.exe runservice.exe sapisvr.exe
savedump.exe savroam.exe savscan.exe
savservice.exe scan32.exe scanregw.exe
scardsvr.exe sccertprop sched.exe
schedhlp.exe schedul2.exe services.exe
sessmgr.exe seticon.exe sgbhp.exe
sgmain.exe shwiconem.exe slrundll.exe
smagent.exe smax4.exe smax4pnp.exe
smss.exe sndmon.exe sndsrvc.exe
sndvol32.exe snmp.exe spamsub.exe
spmgr.exe spool32.exe spoolsv.exe
spupdsvc.exe spysub.exe spysweeper.exe
sqlmangr.exe srvany.exe srvload.exe
ssdpsrv.exe ssonsvr.exe stacmon.exe
starwindservice.exe statemgr.exe stillimagemonitor
stimon.exe support.exe svchost.exe
swdoctor.exe sweepsrv.sys switcher.exe
swupdtmr.exe symproxysvc.exe symsport.exe
symwsc.exe syntpenh.exe system
system idle process systray.exe tabbtnu.exe
tablet.exe tabtip.exe tapisrv.exe
taskmgr.exe taskmonitor taskswitch.exe
tbmon.exe tcpsvcs.exe termsrv.exe
tgcmd.exe tintsetp.exe tlntsvr.exe
tmlisten.exe tmoagent.exe tmpfw.exe
tmproxy.exe toshkcw.exe tpkmapap.exe
tpkmapmn.exe tponscr.exe tpscrex.exe
trueimagemonitor.exe tsc.exe type32.exe
ucstartup.exe ulcdrsvr.exe unsecapp.exe
uphclean.exe ups.exe urllstck.exe
userinit.exe usrprmpt.exe usrshuta.exe
utilman.exe uwdf.exe vcsw.exe
vetmsg.exe viewmgr.exe vpc32.exe
vshwin32.exe vsnpstd.exe vsserv.exe
vsstat.exe vssvc.exe vstskmgr.exe
vttimer.exe vttrayp.exe vzfw.exe
watchdog.exe wbload.exe wdbtnmgr.exe
wdsvc.exe webproxy.exe webscanx.exe
wgatray.exe winlog.exe winlogon.exe
winmgmt.exe winpatrol.exe wins.exe
winss.exe winssnotify.exe wisptis.exe
wkdetect.exe wlancfg5.exe wlballoon
wltray.exe wmiadap.exe wmiapsrv.exe
wmiexe.exe wmiprvse.exe wmipvse.exe
wowexec.exe wpabaln.exe wpctrl.exe
wros.exe wrsssdk.exe wscntfy.exe
wtsrv.exe wuaclt.exe wuauclt.exe
wuaudt.exe wucrtupd.exe x10nets.exe
x1exec.exe zanda.exe zlclient.exe

출처 :

C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers 폴더가 공유가 되어 있는데 보안에 취약하다고 V3가 계속 경고를 한다..

이 폴더는 프린터를 공유했을 경우 공유가 되므로 해당 공유를 지우면 해결이 된다.

하지만 간혹 공유 해제를 했는데도 문제가 해결이 안되는 경우가 있다.

이런경우 아래와 같이 하면 해결이 된다..

1. 사용하는 운영체제가 NT 계정인 경우에는 어드민 계정으로 로그인합니다.

2. [시작]-[실행]- 'cmd' 입력한 후 확인을 누릅니다.

3. 도스창이 팝업되면 다음 순서에 따라 명령어를 입력합니다.

1) 아래 명령어를 입력합니다. 공유된 폴더를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

net share

2) Print$ 공유가 있는지 확인합니다.

3) 아래 명령어를 입력합니다. Print$ 공유가 제거되었다는 메시지를 확인할 수 있습니다.

net share /delete Print$

위의 내용은 안철수 연구소 홈페이지에서 확인 가능 하다.

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